
Miki Bukimi

1 bộ truyện
Đang tiến hànhShy
Title: Shy Genre: Action, Drama, Fantasy, Historical, Josei, Manga, Mystery, Psychological, Romance, School Life, Sci-fi, Seinen, Shounen, Slice of Life, Supernatural, Tragedy In the mystical world of Kurohime, there exists a young girl named Shy who possesses a unique power - the ability to manipulate shadows. Shy, despite her extraordinary gift, is an introverted and reserved individual who prefers the solitude of her dimly lit room to the bustling streets of the city. One fateful day, a series of mysterious events unfold, revealing a dark conspiracy that threatens the delicate balance of the world. As chaos descends upon Kurohime, Shy is thrust into a whirlwind of danger and intrigue, forcing her to confront her deepest fears and embrace her hidden strengths. With the help of a band of unlikely allies, each with their own troubled pasts and hidden agendas, Shy embarks on a perilous journey to uncover the truth behind the sinister forces at play. As she delves deeper into the enigmatic mysteries of her world, she discovers the true extent of her powers and the pivotal role she plays in shaping the destiny of Kurohime. As alliances are formed and betrayals uncovered, Shy must navigate a treacherous path fraught with deception and heartbreak. Will she find the courage to stand against the encroaching darkness and forge her own destiny, or will she succumb to the shadows that threaten to consume her?